Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fenris Rising

Welcome to a new blog which will be charting my experiences with Warhammer 40k 6th Edition. Starting out I'll be completing my brand new recently purchased 2000pts Logan Wing all Terminator Space Wolves

To start with the main purpose of the blog will be to chart my progress both painting and playing them in 6th edition. As you can see I now have all models assembled and most are under coated (Shadow Grey) and ink washed (Badab Black).

I have tried out a few painting techniques and have now have a good idea of what I want them to look like.

I have also made my own version of Logan as in my opinion the fine cast model looks dated and too small to be the centrepiece of an army!

Hope this has at least piqued your interest stay tuned for what I hope will be regular updates on this army's progress.


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